Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Concepts of Project Management Theories
Concepts of Project Management Theories Projects within the context of product development are temporary, divine, unique, and transient. Irrespective of the different latitude of goal requirement for any organisation, either to conduct organisational change or to create competitiveness from product innovation, the gravity of the challenges encountered was inevitable and attributable to the consequences of diversity, uncertainty (risk), complexity, urgency and integration of the project. To cope with these, much of the established theory and practices emanates from the conventional methodology of PM which was used as a framework of reference. This method is driven to be linear, analytic, reductionistic, deterministic, goal-oriented or waterfall approach. The presumption of this conventional approach is defined by a set of related reductionism of activities (such as work breakdown structure (WBS), cost breakdown structure (CBS), product breakdown structure (PBS) and et cetera) and sequential procedures in which were claimed to be adequately predicted the success rate of projects. Conversely, in most cases, especially complicated, uncertain and complex projects, the conventional PM method consistently exhibits high levels in failure rate in a project-oriented company such as Li Fung (LF). Against this background, an overview of the LFs projects in the context of product development processes that was underpinned by the conventional PM framework was undertaken. An example of an obscure, uncertain and complex project which demonstrated failure in achieving the project goal was presented. This lead to a universal consensus that another new approach has to be deployed in order to achieve high levels of success rate. Align with this setting, evidence can be seen in the development of a holistic and systemic PM in the context of product development such as complex adaptive system (CAS). CAS is characterised by apparent complex behaviour that come to light as a result of non-linear property, spatio-temporal interaction among a large number of component system at different levels of the organisation. CAS also exhibits dynamic properties that could evolve, adapt to the environment. Together, these attributes and characteristic can be associated and established as a valuable construct in the defining, managing and understanding of the project development practices and can help projects be more successful. Ultimately, a conclusion can be drawn that CAS could be beneficial and it can provide the flexibility in managing complexity and uncertainty in product development more successful. The findings also suggest a limitation on the application of the CAS to the context of product development projects. From the evolution to the revolution of the project management (PM) (Morris, PWG, 2013), projects are considered the ubiquitous driving force of organisations to improve its performance regardless of tangible or intangible value (Geraldi J, et.al., 2011; McCarthy P.et.al.,2006). Nonetheless, projects within the context of product developments (PD) in a product-oriented company are imperative to create differentiation and core competency from its competitors. Such importance stimulates the development of a plethora of frameworks and practices (Anderson, et.al, 2005) in order to improve our understanding of PD projects, processes and the management. To support such notion, there are two well-known frameworks which are claimed to be the best practices Bodies of Knowledge (Project Management Institute (PMI), APM, 2008) as well as the UKs Office of Government Commerce standard (PRINCE2) (Aritua B, et.al., 2008). Collectively, these cascade a universal framework for organisational practic es in term of the method, techniques and tools as remedies for implementing successful projects (Geraldi J, et.al, 2011; Vidal LA, et.al., 2008). Conversely, a paucity of success rate can be observed on projects by adopting the conventional PM method (Atkinson R, 1999) and performance improvement is perceived to be elusive (Geraldi J, et. al, 2011). According to the Bodies of Knowledge (PMI, 2008), a project is defined as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Consequently, it represents an effort to explore a new horizon. Due to the characteristics of projects unique, divine, novelty, finite, transient, multi-disciplinary, complex, dynamic and high risk, (PMI, 2008) has delineated a structural dimension with two components of approaches the product life cycles (PLC) and the management process. The PLC consists of five-step processes ranging from inception stage, feasibility, design, execution and completion stage (waterfall approach). At each stage of the project, it is required to follow a management process which comprises planning, control, organise and implement the process (PMBOKÃ ® Guide, 4th Ed 2008, p. 78). Predominantly, these methodologies are analytic, systematic, descriptive, linear, structured, sequential approach (Aritua B, et. al, 2007; McCarthy IP, et. al, 2006). Due t o the linearity property of the frameworks, the conventional PM can be conceived as an ordered, sequential and relative predictable predetermined sets of activities and dependencies (Bonner, et.al, 2002; Levardy V, et.al, 2009). Additionally, the conventional approach also makes an insidious assumption about the goal of a PD project that is known and fixed (Levardy V, et. al., 2009). By contrast, in most cases of the PDs goals and destination are rarely distinguishable, obscure and undetermined. Above and beyond, some complex factors such as elements of flexibility, uncertainty (risk), informality, feedback (interdependency and interrelationship) and autonomy might influence the project have been discounted (McCarthy IP, et. al, 2006, p. 438). These restraints may inhibit the projects ability to reach a goal. And yet, these methods are fairly well-suited to managing an isolated single project (Aritua B, et.al, 2007) and lower level of uncertainty (Kapsali M, 2011). To encapsulate, t he conventional methods of PM in term of PD deliver less value in defining, understanding, and managing complex, multi-disciplinary, ambiguous, uncertain and complicated projects. Against this background, a new holistic approach known as Complexity Adaptive System (CAS) has caught the momentary attention and it has been increasingly used as a lens to understand the complexity of the project development (Levardy V, et.al., 2009) especially in the realm of product development (PD) (McCarthy IP, et.al., 2006). In brief, Complex Adaptive System (CAS) defines to a complex system with an adaptive element that displays complex behaviour. With this introduction, the structure of this article is as follows. First, it provides an overview of the project-oriented organisation Li Fung (LF)s projects setting within the context of the organisational setting in project development. An illustration of a project called Battery-operated maker was outlined. Then, in the literature review, both Linear and CAS framework will be defined and elucidated in detail. Comparison between both will be delineated. Next, the recommendation to be provided. Finally, the article concludes by encapsulating the findings. Different business organisation-specific proposition will influence the multi-variant of project activities. Correspondingly, Li Fung (LF) is a global supply chain organisation that commend one stop supply-chain solutions for product design development, material sourcing, factory evaluation, production, manufacturing and quality control, as well as inbound and outbound global logistic (LF.com.hk, 2017). PM essentially is the lynchpin of the organisation to innovate and to change in accordance with the contemporary business need and the ever-changing market environment. Archetypally, the most salient characteristic of LF project complexity superimposed with Baccarini (1996) definition in term of organisational complexity (related to organisational hierarchical structure, levels, specialization et cetera) and technology complexity (associated with the operation, characteristic of material and knowledge). Herein the elements of complexity invariably induce complexes and complicatedness on the project. Against this setting, LF typified a PM methodology in which underpinned primarily on the conventional PMBOKÃ ® Guide (PMI, 2008) with a set of theories, principles, and practices as a frame of reference. In essence, the methodology encapsulated project cycle, budgeting, risk and manage each phase of the projects. This approach deeply rooted in current management practice. A centralized project organisational structure was established to translate proper instruction and management to the operation of the project. This was thought could efficiently and effectively facilitated projects within the organisation. In the similar vein, LF collaborated with Creative Memories (CM) to develop a project called Battery-Operated Maker (BO). The project goal was to develop a new revolutionary product which could attain the key stakeholders (CM) business and market demand. Project success was associated with achieving the project goals in which linked to the Iron Triangle Cost, Time and Quality (Atkinson R, 1999, p. 337). In another elucidation, the BOs project scouted for product differentiation, performance and functionality from any available product in the market. Due to the uniqueness of the project, it required a significant degree of technological complexity. As cited by Baccarini (2008), technology is a multi-dimensional and can be categorized into three aspects operational (equipping and sequencing of activities), characteristics of materials as well as utilization of knowledge and skills (Baccarini D, 2008). Pertaining to this discernment, evidence can be seen that BO project required ident ification of risk, development of the implementation of risk management, detail product planning, process control over the activities, and a formalized communication process. Naturally, the project depended on the role of the project manager (actors or agent) who entrusted on the goals of the projects. The project manager was requested to develop stable and predictable work processes and then improved those work processes over time through increased quality, reduced costs, and shorter delivery times. Habitually, the project undertook typical multiple process phases from the initial processing phase, Planning Process Phase till Execution Process Phase. In each of the phases, a series of predetermined activities have been determined. Not surprisingly, a major discrepancy and the deficiency were discovered during the execution stage, despite a systematic implementation steps and phases of the product cycle had been undertaken. Technically, the BO Maker could not fulfil the basic product functionality requirement or specification. Evidently, the non-systemic techniques including risk evaluation and management were incapable to encapsulate what need to be managed. Additionally, the conventional PM was solely focused narrowly on individual functions and tasks. In the end, the project ended with customer termination. The failure epitomized the concern and triggered a consensus that the current non-systemic, linear and reductionistic method had stretched to the limit, and another approach and perspective in understanding and managing the complexity of projects has to be instigated. Thus far, there are commonly a handful types of frameworks that were encapsulated with the aim of interpreting and understanding PD Linear, Recursive, Chaotic and CAS (McCarthy IP, et. al., 2006). In this section, due to the scope of the review, the restriction is given to Linear and CAS framework. Linear PD framework originates from the conventional PM methodology that emphases on a series of steps, phases and multifunctional activities which are sequential and discrete (McCarthy I.P, et. al., 2006). Best known linear PD framework is Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). PMBOKÃ ® Guide (PMI, 2008) outlines a set of theories, principles, efficiency and control practices as a frame of reference which navigate throughout the project cycle and manages by coordinating each phase of the projects. The processes were determined by the communication, cooperation and coordination of the teams that participated in the PD process (PMI, 2008). The critical assumption of the linear PD framework is that through a predetermined set of activities and dependence, the goal of the PD can be achieved effectively (Bonner, et.al, 2002; Levardy V, et.al, 2009). However, as per stated in the definition of a project, it represents an attempt to achieve a projects goal that is still uncertain, complex and ambiguous. In the main, the conventional theories and practices incapable to distinguish all of the disparate risk and uncertainty surrounding projects (Steward R, et.al, 1995). As such, this resonates with negative perspective that why so many projects failed. A survey conducted by KPMG Canada 1997 (calleam.com, Aug 2016) shows a staggering statistic of 61% surveyed organisations have suffered an unsuccessful failure rate. Even though linear framework can reveal any inappropriate process structure can deteriorate or even jeopardise any PD project, however, this reductionist technique inclined to disregard other contributing factors such as elements of interaction between disparate risk (Steward, R, et.al, 1995), flexibility, informality, feedback and autonomy (McCarthy IP, et. al., 2006). On the other side of spectrum, in response to the uncertainty, ambiguous, complexity of a new PD as well as unclear path to a projects designated goal and objective, this has triggered the consensus that the current conventional methodologies of the project development (PD) is insufficient and inappropriate to cope and adapt to the ever-changing environment pace (Vidal AL, et. al, 2008). Profoundly, PD is a non-linear and iterative sequence process (Levardy, et.al., 2009). According to numerous works of literature, a project can be considered as systems (Vidal A.L, et. al, 2008; Baccarini, 1996). A system is a perceived whole whose elements interconnected together because they continually affect each other over time and operate towards common purposes (Senge P, et.al, 2011). Alternatively, Vidal Ludovic (2008) contended that project complexity is the property of a project which makes it difficult to understand, foresee and keep under control its overall behaviour even when given a complete information about the project system. Its drivers are factors related to project size, project variety, project interdependence and project context. (Vidal A.L, et.al, 2008) Whereas, David Baccarini competed that their complexity is defined as consisting of many varied interrelated parts and can be operationalized in terms of differentiation and interdependence through the concept of organisational and technological complexity (Baccarini D, 1996). Not surprisingly, the above interpretation of complexity mirrors systems theory and it shares a lot of commonalities. Systems that exhibit the characteristic of complexity theory is known as a complex adaptive system (CAS) (Aritua et. al, 2009, p. 76). In another elucidation, in accordance to Plsek and Greenhalgh (2001, p.625), a CAS is a collection of individual agents with the freedom to act in ways that are not always totally predictable, and whose action are interconnected so that one agents action changes the context for other agents. In numerous kinds of literature (Aritua et al (2009), Dooley K (1997) and Lansing J.S (2003)), it is distinguishable that the attributes and the characteristic of a CAS can be summarised in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Attributes and characteristics of CAS Hence, in an organisational context, the major antecedent in a CAS model is the individual agents which are the interaction of all the stakeholders customers, project manager, suppliers, internal team members as well as the external market environment. And yet, adaptation or emergence is the major consequence (Holden, 2005). Emergence is referred to as global patterns of organisation behaviour which are established out from the local self-organisation as a consequence due to the interactions of the systems as opposed to predetermined or deterministic (Levardy V, et.al, 2009; Dooley K, et.al, 1997). Through the macro level of the organisation to the micro level, emergence can be observed as the system carries out the process of selection upon the agents that bring about the whole organization functioning (Dooley K, et.al, 1997). Henceforth, this fosters a complex dynamic between individual or micro level (bottom-up) and organisation or macro level (Top-down). The interaction between both systems are different in schemas, but are interdependent (Dooley, K, et.al, 1997). These dynamic and interdependent interactions render the global coherent pattern of organisation. In sum, these dimensions demonstrate how CAS diverges from linear systems. Fundamentally, these constructs provides a backbone of understanding project management in complex, uncertain and complicated environment. By comparing and contrasting between conventional linear PD methodologies such as PMBOK Guide in particular versus the new methodology of CAS there are significant differences between them. The differences can be demonstrated in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Comparison between Linear versus CAS framework of PD By contrasting between Linear and CAS approach of PD, it is self-evident to elicit that both have distinctive variation and methodologies. Through literature review, it is self-evident that the conventional PD methodology has significant limitations. The critical problem of the conventional PD is viewing the project as isolation with closed-loop boundary. Additionally, this methodology was predisposed by a set of theory that pre-specifying phases or steps of the processes to be undertaken through a series of control and management tools to evaluate the cost-quality-time. This resonates with the assumption of rationality due to cause-effect thinking and linearity about the control and boundaries. Nonetheless, it also disregards other essential elements such as flexibility, informality, feedback and autonomy that may affect the PD. Table 4.1 Restriction of Linear Approach versus Complement CAS framework of PD Ã Ã By contrast, in light of the complexity and uncertainty nature of the project, a CAS framework offers a powerful and useful insight in understanding the PM. By adopting the CAS framework, it is to recognize that project management within the context of PD processes are systems with agents that are interconnected through a nested network. Each subsystem or elements have the ability for autonomous decision making. Align with this notion, in the LF organisational setting, the CAS takes into account of the whole system elements such as CM, Project Management Teams, Market, Environment dimension. Furthermore, the most salient considerations are the interactions between each of the elements are semi-structures (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997). Apart from above generic properties, it is worth noting that there are some other key insights claimed for CAS structure which are imperative in understanding the CAS framework (Chan, 2001). These are listed as follows. Distributed Control In lieu of highly structured and tightly coupled (Linear) which propagate high level of efficiency, the LF organisational structure between all the stakeholders are deliberated to be relatively unstructured and uncoupled. The resultant behaviour of the systems is due to the interrelationships between the stakeholders in the project. In other word, there is no single centralized structures that manage the overall systems behaviour under the CAS framework. Connectivity As a result of interrelationship, interaction collectively, independence as well as inter-connectivity of the system, subsystem, elements and its environment, these contribute partly to the project complexity as opposed to typical technology and organisational context of complexity. This signifies that a decision or action by one of the elements in the system will affect all other related elements, subsystem and ultimately the overall system. Adaptation and Co-evolution In response to perturbations and change, elements in a system has the capacity (semi-autonomous) to synchronize and desynchronize (also known as self-organisation) in order to adapt within their environment. Through adaptation, the systems will evolve to reveal the desired characteristic that inclined to the success of the project goals or objectives. In the LF organisation context, rather than capitulate to mechanistic prediction and quantitative analysis of conventional PM methodology, the intention is to lay prominence on the qualitative dynamical trajectories on the whole system (Garnsey, E, et.al, 2006). Sensitive Dependence The interaction between elements is in non-linear fashion (Aritua B, et. al, 2007; McCarthy IP, et. al, 2006). In another sense, CAS are sensitive and small changes can have a surprisingly counterintuitive influence/implication to the overall behaviour in the form of butterfly effect or complying with Power Law Distribution rather than following the normal Gaussian Distribution (Garnsey, E, et.al., 2006). Similarly, this phenomenon signal a fruitful understanding the repercussion of the reciprocal interaction between any elements of the stakeholder in LF project setting either in reinforcing or balancing feedback loop. Thus, in real project setting, the emergent behaviour of the project is fundamentally unpredictable in nature. As opposed to Linear approach, long-term prediction and control are not essential to be practicable in CAS framework. Far-from-Equilibrium Attributable to the non-linear nature of the dynamical system, any change in processes happens far-from equilibrium, in contrast with linear system that accepted the concept of a system having equilibrium (Newtonian Paradigm) (Dooley, K, 1997). It is clear that the crux of this argument centers on how opened systems are obligated to discover any opportunities that might create different structures and new patterns of relationship as opposed to isolated systems evolve toward equilibrium, an unchanging state. On the other side of the spectrum, it could be also observed that CAS posits some limitation. Firstly, it does not depict the operational detail. Moreover, it is very challenging to understand or even visualizing by modelling the collective behaviour pattern of the organisation. In addition, the most salient observation is that since the process consequences are random, this lead to misconception that it is therefore unpredictable. Ã Given the rise of the present complexity and uncertainty environment, the application of the CAS framework to the evolutionary changes in PM, as opposed to the Newtonian paradigm that based on linear theory, has caught substantial attention. Based on literature review, the conventional PM (prescribed projects as simple, linear, centralised, reductionistic, deterministic, predictable, decomposability) provides less value to the contemporary nature of projects. This resonates to the assumption that the conventional PM initiative is over-emphasizing on the process efficiency and effectiveness by achieving the basic Iron-Triangle requirement. On the other hand, the literature review proposes and supports that CAS framework takes a more holistic, interdisciplinary approach to the development of complex projects. Having said that, through the inherent properties of non-linearity, self-organising as well as the co-evolution that cascades the emergent order of the system, this leads to believe that the complex system is essentially challenging to predict with enough veracity. These attributes are the essential elements in understanding on how to manage projects. Obviously, it is self-evident that it is to define CAS is broad, complicated and often difficult to grasp. Besides, CAS has often been misunderstood that due to randomness, the system cannot be predicted.
Monday, January 20, 2020
World Literature Essay -- English Literature
World Literature Essay ââ¬Å"The Jane Austen novel ââ¬ËPride and Prejudiceââ¬â¢ is basically concerned with the education of a young heroineâ⬠The statement ââ¬Å"The Jane Austen novel ââ¬ËPride and Prejudiceââ¬â¢ is basically concerned with the education of a young heroineâ⬠raises many questions. The term education in this context means a journey of ones self rather than a formal schooling education. From the beginning pages of the book the idea of Elizabeth being the heroine is established. Since there are other themes of the novel, themes of love, reputation and class, it can be questioned as to whether the novel is centred on the education of Elizabeth. Darcy is also a major character to the plot of the novel and contains the same faults as Elizabeth so the book could be centred on his journey as well as hers. However, Elizabethââ¬â¢s education in overcoming her obstacles is a very long one compared to that of Darcyââ¬â¢s In the first three pages of the novel the character of Elizabeth is depicted as a very intellectual character by her father. ââ¬Ë ââ¬Å"..they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has something more of a quickness than her sisters.â⬠ââ¬â¢[1] It is clear that Austen introduces and forms such an impression of Elizabeth early in the novel in order to promptly get the reader into the plot and communicate the heroine of the novel. No other character commands the same interest as Elizabeth. Even though Elizabeth is depicted as the heroine, she possesses faults which are very set. The characterââ¬â¢s biggest issues lie with pride and prejudice, each one in the way of her conquering the other. Whether the novel is basically concerned with the education with Elizabeth can be questioned as there are other major... ...enguin Books, London 1996. * Williams.M, Jane Austen: Six Novels and Their Methods. Macmillan, London 1986 * Lambert. J, A Text Response Guide to Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Pride and Prejudice. Wizard Books, Ballarat 1993 * Curtis.T, Get Smart Study Guide: Pride and Prejudice. Science Press, Australia 1999 * Handley.G, Brodies Notes on Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Pride and Prejudice, London 1990. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 7 [2]Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 36 [3] ibid.,pp33 [4] ibid.,pp57 [5] ibid.,pp309 [6] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp21 [7] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 89 [8] ibid.,pp94 [9] ibid., pp 202 [10] ibid., pp 295
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How do people feel about the changes that have taken place on Portobello road over the last few years?
The changes that have affected Portobello road in the last decade have a had a great impact on the local community along with the future proposals which have been outlined for the area by the council in order to improve the area. For the purpose of the investigation it is useful to understand how the local community view these changes and proposals, and to gain an insight into the conflict that is arousing from the proposed changes and developments. A secondary source presented as an article from the Notting Hill Action Group, which is an organisation campaign involved in fighting local issues. In this article local residents are protesting against the eviction orders that have been served on Elgin books, a bookstore which has been on the road for more than 20 years, one of the reasons for this protest is that the rent has increased so much the bookstore can no longer afford to pay substantial amounts of money on rent. The local residents are also furious about the fact that breaches against planning consent rules i. e. ââ¬Ëthe Fluid juice bar shop front being put up without planning', are allowed to go unchecked by the council, even though actions like these are ââ¬Ëconsidered an offence to the streets character'. Although these protests are creating an unhappy atmosphere in and around Portobello road, it is useful to understand why the residents feel what they do, one of the reasons may be down to the fact that residents don't want to ruin Portobello's individual character. However this is very difficult to overcome the conflict between residents and planners because many ââ¬Ëgreedy people in the area are using Notting hill's celebrity as a way of forcing up rents and forcing out businesses, which have been in the area for more than 30 years. An article labelled ââ¬ËPlanning rage' which is slightly different to the 1st 1 although still sharing the same subject matter of ââ¬Ëplanning orders'. In this article (which is written by NAG) the Unitary development Plan is being criticized by many residents along with the Notting Hill Action Group itself! This is extremely relevant to the investigation because the future proposals stated in question 4 are based on the Unitary Development Plan, therefore it is useful to understand how the residents view these changes. The article starts off with the fact that ââ¬Ë owners of small family-run businesses say that they will be squeezed out by the unitary development Plan which is proposing to open the floodgates to huge chain stores. ââ¬Ë And it also states that ââ¬Ëthe recent arrival of chain stores such as GAP and Starbucks has fuelled their fears. ââ¬Ë It is evident from these 2 lines, that the people of Portobello road ââ¬Ëdon't want the small businesses (which make the area so unique) be swallowed up by chain stores that will make the area look like any where else. Especially a resident in particular called Mr Walton who lives in Arundel Gdns, who says: ââ¬Å"we are concerned that developments should not harm the character of the area. â⬠The council have responded to this argument by saying: ââ¬Å"we're trying to react to what people want, and to do it within the powers we are granted. â⬠It obvious that this is a complicated issue, because there is a balanced argument between both the councillors and the residents, therefore it is difficult to determine who is right in what is being said. Another article displays a variety of articles, one of which is to do with the division between the rich and the poor on Portobello road. This article is stating that there is a ââ¬Ëwidening gap between the rich and the poor in the UK and this is marked in the Notting hill area, which has multi million pound house prices while Goldbourne ward (northern section) is in the fifth poorest ward in inner London. ââ¬Ë Therefore many of the residents of the Goldbourne ward have organised a pilgrimage, which is a powerful reminder to everyone to challenge the status quo, and to work energetically for a fairer, more balanced society. Many of the people who are involved in this protest are trying to convince the council to give in to their requirements by organising these sorts of campaigns. However it is not easy for the council to equalise the 2 parts of the road because the census data on page shows that there is a high unemployment and low home ownership rate which means that most of the population live in rented houses, therefore it would take the council a long time to match up to the employment and home ownership rates which are 3 times higher in the Pembridge ward. Although the newspaper article is outlining resident views, it is still a secondary resource and so its reliability could be questioned, we cannot be sure that there is a division between the rich and the poor in the 2 wards, as the article is written by a person who may well be biased. However the primary data in the form of a shopping, environmental and residential house surveys show that the Pembridge ward is far better off than the Goldbourne ward in terms of house prices and quality. Even though most people situated in Portobello road such as the residents in the 1st NAG article are criticising the future proposals that have been made by the council (stated in question 4) there are also others who are in favour of these improvements i. e traders. In the article named ââ¬ËPortobello 2000' Anne swift is an antiques dealer who talks about the future of Portobello road, and also mentions the importance of ââ¬ËPortobello having the opportunity to establish itself as the worlds leading centre for antiques and a leading market for general commodities. Anne sees the ââ¬Ëover commercialisation' of Portobello road as a good thing as this would encourage trade from tourism, however the people in the ââ¬Ëplanning rage' article see this as gentrification steam roller, and as a threat to small businesses. Therefore this is causing a growing conflict between traders and residents. Anne swift suggest some of her own proposals which are in line with those stated in question 4, she believes that all traders have to offer high quality goods, by displaying better merchandise. She also states that improving the environment will create a more clean and spacious environment for everyone, especially tourists. Lastly she suggests the need for friendly and efficient service in order to satisfy customers. A questionnaire which was conducted on all parts of Portobello road in order to find out information about the residents and tourists who shop there. The results of the questionnaire were then converted in to a graph, which helped to analyse the relationships between the figures. From question 1 on the graph its evident that the majority of people questioned were residents (58%) and the remaining were either tourists or workers (42%). This proves that Portobello road attracts quite a lot of tourists and therefore has a large sphere of influence, as the figures are nearly similar to that of the residents. Out of the 58% of the residents questioned, 33% of them have lived in the area between 11-20 years, which showed that they knew the area well and were aware of the changes that have taken place over the last decade. Many of the residents questioned felt that the area had changed in terms of housing which is now of a better quality and residents, as new people are being attracted to the area everyday. 2% of the residents felt that the changes had made the area better, while 29% of the people felt that the changes were quite good for the area, however there were only 7% of residents who felt that the area had declined. This shows that Portobello road has made a great improvement since the last decade. The remaining results showed that 40%of the people questioned have visited Portobello road more than 10 times mostly for Antiques and general food shopping. Again, this shows that tourism is an important factor, which affects Portobello road everyday and has maximised its function.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
William Wordsworth Poetry Analysis - 968 Words
Individual Powers: Reflection, Imagination, and Feeling gives the poet, William Wordsworth, a chance to reflect upon his life. He writes this renown piece of literature at a time that the world is rapidly changing and shifting. Wordsworth is able to extract himself from hectic society, slow down, and absorb his surroundings while portraying central components of true romantic poetry in his piece. The poem was written toward the end of the 18th century, during the Romantic period. Romanticism emphasized emotion, individualism and glorification of the past and of nature. It was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that reacted to and rebelled against major events going on in the world at the time, such as the Industrialâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Wordsworth describes how much his life and observations have changed in the past five years since his last visit to the river Rye, creating a course of reflections to take place in his mind. He reflects the past to the p resent while revisiting this place. He discovers that from reflecting on natures beauty, human awareness and restoration arises, especially when the soul is in dire need. He reinforces the idea that he has once been here before and through his reflections, he remembers the beautiful parts of nature from his first visit. He is secluded and is in a serene environment, reflecting and meditating upon the beauties of nature. As the poem progresses, he hopes that in the near future, he will reflect back on the memories of his present experiences in a positive manner.Again, he starts to have flashbacks of when he first visited. These flashbacks of nature lead to internal reflections of the past. Clearly nature has impacted him in strong ways, which leads to constant reflection from the past to the present. 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Before he graduated from St. Johnââ¬â¢s College, he traveled across Europe which intensified his love for nature and influenced his poetry. In his Petrarchan sonnet, ââ¬Å"The World is Too Much with Usâ⬠, Wordsworth explains that society is corrupted because they are more focused on luxurious items than on nature. To convey his message, he put an emphasis on a shift of point of view. In this change, he switches his tone from complainingRead MoreEssay on Romantic Era: Time of a New Time1656 Words à |à 7 Pagespast. These little appreciation and acknowledgments by these few men led to a great change in time. This change began to open peopleââ¬â¢s eyes. People began to appreciate the little things. They began to appreciate music and art as well as nature and poetry. Times began to change as people started to believe in what they want some stayed with the original version of what the church had taught them and dictated to them but many began to read and do their own research and were able to decide for themselvesRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth Essay1942 Words à |à 8 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. (William Wordsworth Biography. NotableBiographies.com N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. http://www.notablebiographies.com/We-Z/Wordsworth-William.html.) His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His mom died when he was eight years old and then his father died when he was thirteen years oldRead MoreWomens Images in Wi lliam Wordsworth Romantic Poems564 Words à |à 2 Pagesindustrial revolution influenced the art, music, literature in the line. Poem became one of the important literary works to see the historical phenomenon in that era/time of the literary published. It includes what or how the society face the women. William Wordsworth as one of famous English poet had shown it in some his literary work. In this case, writer will focus on three poems. They are: The Daffodils, She was a Phantom of Delight, and The Solitary Reaper. However, this research will concern on theRead More Critical Analysis of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge2513 Words à |à 11 PagesCritical Analysis of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge spearheaded a philosophical writing movement in England in the late 18th and early 19th century. Although Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge are often considered the fathers of the English Romantic movement, their collective theologies and philosophies were often criticized but rarely taken serious by the pair of writers due to their illustrious prestige as poets. The combined effortRead MoreEssay about Comparision of Wordsworth and Blakes Poems1523 Words à |à 7 PagesAuthors, William Wordsworth and William Blake convey different messages and themes in their poems, ââ¬Å"The World is Too Much with Usâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Tygerâ⬠consecutively by using the different mechanics one needs to create poetry. Both poems are closely related since they portray different aspects of society but the message remains different. Wordsworthââ¬â¢s poem describes a conflict between nature and humanity, while Blakeââ¬â¢s poem issues Godââ¬â¢ s creations of completely different creatures. In ââ¬Å"The World is TooRead More`` The Beat Goes On, I Am Your Host, By Caleb Argent, And Today1629 Words à |à 7 PagesBeat Goes On, I am your host, Caleb Argent, and today we will be going on a journey of reflection as we analysis the power words have in evoking human emotion through poems and modern songs alike. Poetry has been motivating, inspiring and inviting people to reflect on themselves for centuries. It has made people look back on the errors of their ways and come to terms with their mistakes. Poetry has the power to do all this because of the way the words within are written. Poets in the Romantic ageRead MoreDaffodils by William Wordsworth1871 Words à |à 8 PagesWilliam Wordsmiths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud or Daffodils: Analysis A BESTWORD ANALYSIS As far as there is to mention, there is little of weight or consequence to speak of in the direct analysis of William Wordsworthââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ⬠, or ââ¬Å"Daffodilsâ⬠as it is popularly referred to today.à From introduction to conclusion, William Wordsworth cleanly describes the act of watching a patch of country daffodils swaying in the breeze and the lasting effect this pleasant image hasRead MoreCritical Analysis of ââ¬Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Facebook Sonnetâ⬠879 Words à |à 4 Pages Critical Analysis of ââ¬Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Facebook Sonnetâ⬠Light and happy or dark and lonely, both ââ¬Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Facebook Sonnetâ⬠are similar in that both of their themes describe solitude. Still, William Wordsworth and Sherman Alexie use opposite ideas to take this concept in different lights. While Wordsworth describes an enjoyable evening walking through a meadow and speaks of his contentment thinking of this day when he is alone, Alexie describes
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